
Welcome! We've made this blog as a place to keep a record of our adventures in the great outdoors, places we have camped in South East Queensland, and perhaps even further afield.

Friday 10 January 2014

Charlie Moreland: Jan. 2014

Charlie Moreland Camping Ground
Imbil National Forest
January, 2014

Mr and Mrs P.

This year was the year that we decided to start camping again. We celebrated with a return to our favourite camping ground, Charlie Moreland. We went camping with some friends and their 4 children. We stayed for 4 days and had a wonderful time, it was a great time of friendship and relaxation. Listening to the bellbirds is a particular favourite pastime of Mrs P's while camping.

There is a swimming hole which the kids played in most of each day. Amy's white suntop ended up a nice beige colour and despite numerous soakings, it never was as white as it once was. Red wore black, a much more sensible colour.

Charlie Moreland is about a 90 minute drive from Brisbane heading north. Sunday Creek Rd is a long gravel road about 5km off the bitumen that leads to the actual camping ground. It is a great surprise coming around the last corner, driving across the causeway and seeing the vast open green of the campground.

For your camping pleasure there is:
  • free choice camping spot
  • flushing toilet blocks
  • creek water taps throughout the park
  • fire rings
  • swimming hole
  • bush walks

Things to remember:
  • bring your own drinking water or boil the creek water
  • bring your own firewood and only use the fire rings
  • remove all rubbish, there are no bins, what you bring in, you take out
  • no showers

The children can ride their bikes around and while we took bikes, they tended to swim most of the time. Charlie Moreland has never quite recovered from the flooding in 2009. The lovely bush walk we used to enjoy has changed, that's the nature of floods.

Charlie Moreland started undergoing a refreshing and refurbishment upgrade in February of 2014. It is due for completion in May of 2015. The campsites have been reduced to 100. I suppose it is a good thing, now we are off exploring new areas to enjoy until it is open again.

Charlie Moreland camping area. Photo:Ross Naumann.
Charlie Moreland camping area.
Photo:Ross Naumann.

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