
Welcome! We've made this blog as a place to keep a record of our adventures in the great outdoors, places we have camped in South East Queensland, and perhaps even further afield.

Monday 7 January 2013

Hervey Bay: Jan. 2013

Hervey Bay, Queensland.
January, 2013

Mr and Mrs P.

Mr and Mrs P, Amy and Red went to Hervey Bay for a week in the 2013 Christmas holidays. We camped in a friend's camper trailer and had a great time. We stayed at Pialba Beachfront Caravan Park, it is right next door to the free Wetside Water Park .

Amy brought Kanani, her American Girl doll, with her for the trip, from what I could tell Kanani enjoyed her car ride but seems to have enjoyed the lollies more. It is a 4 hour drive, so of course she fell asleep. Eventually we spotted the lovely blue ocean and it was such a good feeling knowing we'd arrived.

The park is just lovely, we had a spot closer to the water park and it felt almost like a national park as we had plenty of space around us. Each camper gets a key when they check in, the key is for accessing the amenities block. The showers and toilets were kept very clean, although I did struggle with water not going down the shower drain properly due to the build up of sand and hair in the drain and cleaning it out was icky.

The children went early each morning onto the beach, there were loads of jelly fish the week we were there. Amy and Red enjoyed playing on the shore and using the boogie boards, this was Red's favourite part of the beach. When the water park opened at 10, they scooted over there and spent many hours playing, it was really handy having the water park right next door, a very easy 2 minute walk. The water park have chairs under a huge shady fig tree, for parents to supervise from and a cafe where you can get a coffee or ice blocks. Amy wanted to be there right up until closing each day which is at 6. On Friday evenings they do a show on a screen with lights and music in the fountains. We had a really relaxing holiday at Hervey Bay and would not hesitate to go back. It had been a long time since we'd been able to get away, so it was doubly special.

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